Dear Wilson Hill Families,
As you know, all students in grades 3-6 throughout the state will take new assessments this school year. I am sending this information to K-2 families so you may learn more about what the new assessments will look like for your child in the coming years. The Ohio Department of Education is referring to these new assessments as the PARCC (Partnership of Assessments for Readiness of College and Careers) and the OCBA (Ohio Computer Based Assessments). The PARCC assessments are in the areas of English Language Arts and Math. The OCBA assessments are in the areas of Science and Social Studies. A blog was written in October about these new assessments, which you can find this and additional resources by clicking here (
Changes at the state level continue to impact what tests students will take. Recently in late December Governor Kasich passed a bill that eliminated the PARCC assessment for all 3rd Grade students for English Language Arts due to the 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee. The change states that 3rd grade students will no longer take the PARCC assessment in English Language Arts but will take the 3rd Grade Ohio Academic Assessment (OAA) for Reading this Spring (April 28th at Wilson Hill). You may read more about this if you would like by clicking here ( Wilson Hill will continue to update families of any changes that are made at the state level as the assessment dates approach.
The Wilson Hill staff has worked collaboratively to design a testing schedule for students that promotes the best opportunities for success and allows our students to keep routines at school. The schedule for all assessments is attached and is color coded by grade level. With the exception of 6th grade, all grade levels will take their computer based assessments first thing in the morning. Our 6th Grade will keep their current first period Related Arts Schedule and begin assessments after these classes.
Please view the Wilson Hill Elementary Assessment Calendar by clicking here or go to the Wilson Hill website at and click on the eBackpack tab and then PARCC/OCBA Assessment Calendar 2015. Please note that there are two pages to the calendar which reflect both the March and April/May assessments that will take place.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact our staff with questions.
Finally, we will have a PARCC/OCBA Assessment gathering on February 10th at 6:15 PM in our cafeteria, prior to the PTO Meeting.
Matt Keller