When I was growing up I do not recall taking many state mandated assessments. I do however, remember every recess activity I participated in, how my teacher made me feel, my classroom parties, and of course some of the great learning experiences I took part in at R.C. Waters Elementary School. I know our students at Wilson Hill have many of these same positive experiences and hopefully more! This year, a new experience our students in grades 3-6 will take part in, are the Next Generation of Assessments.
Traditionally, The Ohio Department of Education has mandated Ohio Achievement Assessments in grades 3 thru 6 Grade in both Reading and Math. These assessments have taken place during the Spring. In addition to the Reading and Math Assessments, 3rd Grade students participated in the Ohio Achievement Assessments in the Fall and at the 5th Grade students participated in the 5th Grade Science Ohio Achievement Assessment each Spring. This year, the state is mandating what I call the Next Generation of Assessments. These assessments are often referred to as PARCC (Partnership for Assessments for Readiness for College and Careers).
These new assessments are broken into two categories: Performance Based Assessments and End of Year Assessments. The End of Year Assessments will be very similar to the Ohio Achievement Assessments that are taken in the spring but may ask our students to answer questions in a more rigorous manner. The Performance Based Assessments are completely new to all educators, students, and families. These assessments will be administered in late winter. At Wilson Hill we have spent time as a staff, both last year and this year, looking at released sample assessment questions so that we can learn about the new assessments and how to apply our knowledge to help prepare our students for these assessments. The majority of these assessments are scheduled to be administered with a technology device (computer or chromebook) online.
Ohio’s assessment timelines for the Next Generation of Assessments for Reading and Math can be found at (PARCC) Partnership for Assessment for Readiness for College and Careers. The PARCC assessments will assess the students knowledge in the Common Core standards which 34 states have adopted as their standards. Ohio’s Science and Social Studies Assessments can be found at Ohio's New Science and Social Studies Assessments.. The Science and Social Studies Standards are specific to Ohio standards not shared with other states. There are links on our school webpage in the Quicklinks Section for those that want to learn more about the new standards.
The Ohio Department of Education links regarding the new assessments above identify the manner in which the assessments will be given. Wilson Hill will announce their Assessment Calendar for these Next Generation Assessments.
One adjustment Worthington City Schools will be making to accommodate the student time spent on the Next Generation of Assessments, grades 3-6 will MAP assess in the Fall and Winter and no longer the Spring .
As an Elementary School Principal I enjoy looking at data on how we can improve as a school! I don’t enjoy taking time away from quality teaching and learning activities from the classroom to assess. Although the new assessments will take more time to administer these assessments, we hope the data we receive better informs our instruction we provide for all students. Our staff and students will be well prepared to take on the challenge of the Next Generation of Assessments. We hope to share more information with families about these assessments later on this year. In the meantime, there is a very helpful link to learn more about the Next Generation of Assessments for those that are interested. In addition, you may read more about PARCC assessments at their link at their link PARCC. I challenge you to participate in a practice test to see if you are smarter than your child!
Matt Keller-Proud Principal of Wilson Hill Elementary School,Worthington City Schools
Thank you for providing these links. Practice at home is definitely a nice way to support the test taking process and calm the nerves of both parent and child!