Wilson Hill Superheroes
Superheroes work at Wilson Hill. This superhero team is not the type you find in a comic book, these are real human superheroes, some of our own Wilson Hill Staff. These staff members may be known or unknown to our families. Without a doubt, they make our school a better place each day because of their care for our students and staff.
Ring Ring….Ding Dong….First, I would like to start with our Superhero Office Team. Ding Dong….These ladies are probably known by most of our families….Ring Ring….Their duties are endless! These Superheroes operate as a true team. Ring Ring….Ding Dong...The Office Superhero Team consist of Mrs. Roush, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Ellwood. Mrs. Roush is known as our Financial Secretary. This title does not do her job description justice. There are many aspects of our school day she supports, especially me! Clean up in the 3rd and 4th Grade hallway...Ring Ring.. Ding Dong....The next person on our Superhero Office Team is Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Johnson takes care of attendance for all 510 students at Wilson Hill, is our testing coordinator and supports students with literacy interventions. Ding Dong….Ring Ring...The last person on our Superhero Office Team is Mrs. Ellwood. Mrs. Ellwood coordinates and helps administer all of our MAP testing at Wilson Hill. She supports staff’s technology needs and also provides literacy interventions to many of our students. Ring Ring….Clean up in the K, 1st, 2nd Grade bathroom….The best part of our Superhero Office Team is their teamwork. If any of these ladies need support from one another, they do this without even speaking; it’s pretty remarkable to see...Ding Dong….Ring Ring...Clean up in Mrs. Hayhurst Room ….Did I also mention the Wilson Hill Superhero Office Team performs all of their assigned duties, and more, while multi-tasking! I applaud Mrs. Roush, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Ellwood for all the many aspects of their job that they do each day to support all our students, staff and families!
The next Superhero Team is our health office. Mrs. Lear, Mrs. Cynkar and Mrs. McMahon support our students health office needs. With their daily administration of medication to our students and keeping track of who is in the clinic and for what, these ladies show great care for our students. I am truly amazed at the kindness, compassion and patience they show all our students each day. Our Health Office Superhero Team is not at Wilson Hill at the same time, (they are traveling staff throughout the district) which makes their collaboration to meet our students needs even more amazing. Thank you for being a part of Wilson Hill Mrs. Lear, Mrs. Cynkar and Mrs. McMahon.
The third Superhero Team is our custodians. Mr. Jimmy (Jimmy Rohrbacher) is the face of our custodial team as he is present at Wilson Hill during the school day. Mr. Jimmy is at work everyday by 5:30 AM to make sure our building is ready to go for the day even during inclement weather. Mr. Jimmy also knows all of our students! He has great relationships with our students and collaborates with our staff to meet their everyday needs in the classroom. The next custodial Superhero is Mr. Greg (Greg Abraham) who is our evening custodian. Mr. Greg may not be as visible to students and families as Mr. Jimmy, but he is just as valuable. Having been an elementary school principal for 10 years, I have not had a custodian clean as many spaces as Mr. Greg in a work shift. Mr. Greg also oversees our facility when most of us are getting ready for bed. He makes sure our building is locked and that things are working properly so our students can learn in the morning. Last on our Custodial Superhero Team is Mr. Mike (Mike Myers). Mr. Mike is a part-time custodian that supports Mr. Greg in the evening after school dismisses. I am always amazed at how much teamwork is needed by Mr. Mike and Mr. Greg to meet our building needs. We congratulate Mr. Jimmy, Mr. Greg, and Mr. Mike for their efforts in keeping our school safe, secure, and clean so our students can learn!
Our last Superhero team is our cafeteria staff. These ladies serve breakfast to nearly 100 students and lunch to over 350 students, everyday. Ms. Cindy (Cindy Weicht) and Ms. Jennifer (Jennifer Wilson) know all our students by name, help make sure each student has money on their lunch account by reminding families and do this with a smile on their face each day. Their role in making sure our students feel cared for through our school lunch program is extremely important! We appreciate and value the role that Ms. Cindy and Ms. Jennifer play in helping care for our children with our school lunch program!
Every school has unsung heroes, but not every school has our Wilson Hill Superhero Team: Mrs. Roush, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Ellwood, Mrs. Lear, Mrs. Cynkar, Mrs. McMahon, Mr. Jimmy, Mr. Greg, Mr. Mike, Ms. Cindy and Ms. Jennifer….We give these staff members a round of applause. No, we give you all a standing ovation for your efforts to make Wilson Hill a better place for our students, families and staff. I encourage our families to thank our Wilson Hill Superhero Team.
Matt Keller-Principal
Wilson Hill Elementary